Chemo, peace & vulnerability. A tale of Superman’s journey

day #1 post chemo #2 + Superman is resting. today is good, unlike the last session. which he said himself it would be.

I share pics + writings of my husband on this journey, because I am honest, an artist, and I’m sensitive about my shit. & he doesn’t mind + he respects how I express myself, too.

also, because there isn’t enough talk about #blackmen being vulnerable to the love from their women-and still remaining masculine to protect. he covers me; I cover him. and therefore I speak on it.

love is so many things. so many. it doesn’t always look like physically doing something for someone, it can also be gazing upon his peaceful rest, counting his breaths and doing nothing but that-like today.

with all that happens in this world, and the insensitivity that surfaces because of it, I am grateful to be one of the few that stays quiet enough to listen to what people aren’t saying.

-Nik ❤️

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