Allowing the easy life to find me

When people have told me that I am aging backwards, I would jokingly say, “put some respect on this wisdom because I don’t wanna go back there.” But now I am sitting here thinking about the power in what has been said with that.

Sometimes you don’t realize how much emotional pain you have harbored, until you no longer wear it on your face. And even if others have seen it long before you, it may take awhile until you give yourself the permission to truly accept that.

I have more peace now in my life than I ever have, I have more joy + abundance, and interestingly it’s because I am no longer stressing myself with the hustle + grind mentality in the name of being “successful” in life + love. I just let myself, be.

I am my business; I am my brand. I am also a woman & a Mother, too. And I have to take care of me, first. And then allow the rest to come as it may. I will write more books and create more paintings, when I feel energetically + creatively ready. Authentically.

I am consistently allowing myself to feel all of my feelings that have come with life, motherhood, love + entrepreneurship.. rather good or even challenging. And I rest when I need it, too. Every thing has to align with my soul now. And I must say, I’m very proud of my journey this far.

I am getting more rest, believe it or not lol. I have at times struggled with letting things, “be”, but for the most part; I am learning to no longer allow things to eat me up, and wait to speak up in the midnight hour.

I have allowed people to leave my life, I have deepened connections with old friends + am more open to letting new ones flourish. Which is super huge for me. I have released both things & people to go when it was time, & am continuing to meet peace + ease where I am.

All this to say, my gifts are making room for me + my tribe is being aligned. My intuition is poppin’, my spirit is glowing + God always be knowin’! & I love all of this for me.

Nik 💛

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